Are you a written-off vehicle owner in NSW and facing the challenging task of re-registering a written-off vehicle? In this situation, understanding the process is crucial and in this journey we are here to make each and every step simple for you. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of Written Off Vehicle Register (WOVR).
When it comes to completing the process in a legal way, you need to be more concerned about the criteria, eligibility, and the local authority rules regulations. No matter if you’re buying, selling or want to re-register it, WOVR ensures your vehicle is safe to be on the road, and repaired well.
Let’s get into and re-register your write-off vehicles.
What is a Written-Off Vehicle?
A write-off vehicle is considered to be the vehicle that’s been completely damaged and not worth fixing or isn’t safe to drive. When a vehicle is declared written-off, it means the repair costs increased to its actual value and the damage is severe enough to be considered roadworthy.
WOVR: Written Off Vehicle Register NSW
(WOVR) Written off Vehicle Register – Each state has their own regulations, so in NSW it’s a kind of track record of write-off vehicles. However, if your car’s been written off, WOVR (Written off vehicle register) thoroughly checks the process of bringing it back on the road. Just remember, there are some eligibility criteria set by Authority. Also, you need to get the approval from Transport for NSW before repairing the write-off vehicle.
NSW Written off vehicle register (WOVR) ensures that if a written-off vehicle is qualified to be back on the road, it’s safe and meets certain standards.
Statutory Write-Off
A statutory write-off is when a vehicle is so severely structurally damaged that authorities deem it unsafe for the road. This means the damage is too extensive to be fixed or isn’t worth repairing. Once a vehicle gets a statutory write-off status, getting it back on the road involves certain regulatory processes due to safety concerns.
Re-registering a Written-Off Light Vehicle: Eligibility Criteria
You can only get permission to fix and bring back on the road a written-off light vehicle in very specific situations. Transport for NSW will only approve applications to repair and re-register a written-off light vehicle those eligible. Let’s find out, when it might be possible:
- Statutory Write-off : The vehicle shouldn’t have certain types of damage listed in the statutory write-off assessment criteria.
- Hail Damage Exception: If you’re the same owner of the vehicle and it’s only been written off because of hail damage, it’s considered differently. Here’s what happens:
- Your vehicle won’t have its registration cancelled, and there are no restrictions placed on it.
- However, the certificate of registration will mention that the vehicle was previously written off.
To know the complete step-by-step process, you can check this guide How to apply for a written off vehicle register?
- Owner Duration Matters: If you’ve been the owner for more than 28 days before the damage happened, you could have a chance.
- Inherited Vehicles Included: If you inherited the vehicle from the previous registered owner.
NOTE: Don’t start repairing your vehicle without getting permission from Transport for NSW. They need to approve the repairs before you proceed.
“To know up-to-date and more in-details, its advisable to visit: Re-registering a written-off light vehicle | NSW Government”
Assessment Criteria For Statutory Write-off Vehicles
When determining if a vehicle should be declared write-off, there is specific assessment criteria used. These criteria vary depending on the type of vehicle, such as cars, motorcycles, trailers, and caravans. Here’s the details:
Cars and Vans: Follow the rules in the “Damage Assessment Criteria for light vehicles”
Trucks: Check the “Damage Assessment Criteria for heavy vehicles”
Motor Bikes, Trailers and Caravans: For these category (bikes, trailers and caravans) vehicle is considered written-off if its:-
- Burnt severely only fit for scrap or wrecking.
- Missing many important interior or exterior parts, panels and other components such as engine, wheels and guards.
- Has more structural frame damage or significant suspension.
- If it has immersed in saltwater for any duration or in freshwater for over 48 hours (excluding certain trailers)
These are the guidelines for assessing when written off vehicle register based on its condition.
If your vehicle isn’t eligible to get repaired then you can choose to scrap it through services like cash for cars Sydney, who buys vehicles with any condition.
Applying for Authorisation Repair
To get permission to fix a written-off light vehicle in NSW is a specific process. Here’s what you need to do:
Fill out the written-off light vehicle application form: Application to repair a written-off light vehicle
Have an assessor complete the declaration of vehicle damage.
Declaration of Vehicle Damage: It’s a kind of document that outlines and confirms how much a vehicle is damaged. An expert, called an assessor, fills this paper to describe what’s damaged and how severe it is. This document is important when you want to repair a write-off vehicle, because it helps the authorities to understand the damage before approving any repairs.
Now, you need to show proof that your vehicle fits the eligible categories. Including:
- For Inherited Vehicle: You need the last will and testament.
- For Company Representative: If you’re representing a company, a letter from them is required.
You can send your application to Transport for NSW via email or mail. Find the contact details in the form.
Approval Process
When your application to repair a written-off vehicle gets the approval from an authorisation, these are the important steps to follow:
1. Receive an “Authorisation to Repair”
Once your application is approved, Transport for NSW will send you an official document called “Authorisation to Repair.”
2. Consult a Licensed Repairer
Before you start any repairs, consider getting in touch with a licensed repairer from NSW Fair Trading for any advice and guidance. (For any need to apply please call 13 32 20)
3. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines or Standards
Repair any damage that affects the structural integrity and safety of your vehicle according to either manufacturer’s guidelines or recognised industry standards.
4. Special Consideration for Light Trucks
If your vehicle is a light truck, it must only be repaired by a licensed professional in the field.
After Repairs
Now, when your car is fixed, a qualified repairer needs to confirm that it’s safe and structural integrity has been fixed properly. Also, you need to get a certificate of compliance from a licensed repairer. If you did the fixes yourself (except for light trucks), a licensed repairer must still check and verify your work. Here’s what you might need to do:
- Show your vehicle to the licensed repairer while you’re fixing it.
- Maintained a detailed record of repairs, take pictures of before and after the repairs, and share those to the repairers.
- Keep copies of the standards you followed during the repairs and show these to the repairers.
Note: remember to keep all the information about the repairs, including invoices and receipts. If everything checks out, and your car is successfully back on the road, it will be mentioned on the certificate of registration that it was once written off.
After Repairs Certification
After completing the repairs and obtaining certification, you’ll need to follow these three steps to re-register vehicle:
STEP 1: Get AUVIS (Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Scheme.) inspection for safety checks.
STEP 2: Vehicle Identity & Inspections Unit (VIIU) Inspection:
- After AUVIS inspection, get a transport for NSW VIIU inspection to ensure the vehicle hasn’t been rebirthed.
- You can book VIIU at any service centre, pay the inspection fee, and bring documents including:
- Authorisation to repairs the write-off vehicle, issued by TfNSW
- Certificate of compliance (By licensed repairers)
- Third-party certificate (e.g. structural certification)
- AUVIS inspection report from an AUVIS station.
- Completed Application of Registration, and receipts of all repairs.
- Payment and Booking Process:
- For Sydney, Central Coast or the Illawarra: Visit the service centre, pay required fees and book your VIIU inspection, service centre staff will return your documents to you. Remember, you’re responsible for taking the documents to the scheduled VIIU inspection.
- For Vehicle outside Sydney, Central Coast or the Illawarra: Make your payment at the service centre, where they will also make copies of your required documents. VIIU will contact you later to schedule your inspection.
STEP 3: Apply For Registration
To re-register your vehicle, you can visit a service centre in NSW with all the required documents related to the repairs, AUVIS and VIIU inspections.
You can apply for re-registration by visiting a service centre (or sending a representative).
You’ll need to bring all the documents related to the vehicle repairs, AUVIS and VIIU inspections, including:
- certificate of Compliance issued by a licensed repairer
- third-party certifications, for example, for airbag repairs or structural certification
- a passed AUVIS inspection report from an AUVIS station
- a completed
- proof of registration entitlement
- CTP insurance
- proof of your identity
- payment for the applicable registration costs.
In conclusion, getting your written off vehicle register and back on the road in NSW involves several steps, also it’s been a complicated task as well, such as repairs approvals and inspection. However, in this blog Scraply make it simple for you. By following these step by step guides, you can ensure your vehicle meets safety standards and is legally re-registered, making it safe for driving again.
Note: This blog has been updated with the latest information provided by the government in 2025.